3.1- 3.3 Know how stewards check for and respond to hazards at spectator event venues

3.1 identify the facilities in a typical venue that a steward should know the location of.

A steward should know the location of :-
  • Toilets/ Disabled toilets.
  • Information centre.
  • First aid point. 
  • Security.
  • Car parking.
  • Emergency telephone.
  • Exits.
  • Fire points. 

3.2 identify and interpret the signage in a typical venue.
3.3 identify the types of hazards that may be found at venues.
  • Sanitation.
  • Toilets.
  • Toxic fumes.
  • Hazardous spillages.

  • Fire.
  • Crowd build-up.
  • Blocked exits.
  • Inseucre barriers.
  • Broken seats .
  • Cables/wires.
  • Unsafe groud.

  • Unattended baggage.
  • Suspicious packages.
  • Suspicious objects.
  • Suspicious crowds/ people.

3.4 outline the typical procedures
for checking different areas
of a venue for hazards

If you suspect a suspicious object and could prove to be a hazard. You are to make a corden round it, once you have made a cordon round it you are to radio in, reporting the issue, once this has been brought up to the attention, actions can then be made towards fixing the problem.

3.5 outline the procedures that
stewards should follow when
they identify hazards

Once a hazard has been identified, it needs to be brought up to the attention of the event organisers. They need to explain what exactly is the hazard and how it can effect spectators safety.
Then, once it has been brought to the attention it can be then made sure that the hazard is either fixed or made visible to all spectators, there for preventing any harm coming to the spectators.

3.6 outline the importance of
stewards following procedures
when they identify hazards

Prosedures need to be followed when identifying hazards at events. This is extremely important because some of these hazards could potentially harm the stewards or members of the public. An example of these prosedures could consist of clearing the area around the hazard to ensure safety to members of the public and other stewards. Once the hazard has been identified the stewards would need to take prosedures to safely remove it.  

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