2.7-2.11 know how stewards prepare for their spectator events.

2.7- identify the resources stewards could receive at registration and breifing.
The resources that stewards could receive are
  • identification,
  • notebooks,
  • pens,
  • radios,
  • incident cards,
  • personal protective equipment,
  • keys,
  • handbook and venue map,
  • pass out slips.

2.8- outline why it is important for stewards to look after the resources they receive.
it is important for stewards to keep their resources in good condition because they may need to look over important details or pass it over to another steward.

2.9- outline the procedures stewards should follow to check their resources and report faults.
The stewards should do a trial run of their equipment to check that they are working, an example is talking down a radio and making sure everyone can hear them. If there is a fault, they should take it to the person in charge, then exchange it for a working piece of equipment or have it repaired.

2.10- outline why it is important for stewards to take note of information provided at briefings.
Outline why it's important for the stewards to take note of informations during the briefings:
Briefings hold the purpose of passing on vital information to all people involved in the event, there for it is paramount that the stewards take notes on important bits of information that they may need later on in the event.

2.11- list the types of informationstewards could be given at a briefing.

List the types of information stewards may be given at a briefing:
Timings, chain of command, different stations, point of interest, any information on who may be attending, police presence, ambulance/fire service.

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