2.1- 2.6 know how stewards prepare for their spectator events.

2.1- describe appropriate standards of apperance at spectator events.
Stewards should resemble points of authority and control, so should dress smartly and should also be clearly visible to the public, as they are points of contact for the members of the public if they have any problems during the event.
The whole reason is to make sure you look the part for the job, that you're distinguishable from the members of public and so people can come to you for help if need be.

2.2- describe appropriate standards of behaviour at spaectator events.
stewards should behave appropriately, a high level of maturity. This is because they are the figures of authority during the event, they need to behave in a manner that means the public know the boundaries or know that they're safe. Being able to be professionally during incidents and not panicking, being able to make the right calls when needed. Mainly keeping a professional mindset and high level of maturity.

2.3- outline why it is important for stewards to wear correct identification at all times.
Stewards need to be nice and obvious to spectators, if any problems arise during the event they need to be identifiable as a member of staff/steward.
And they may need ID to get into certain parts of the event or the event itself, they are a basic item to have at all times.

2.4- outline the content of a typical spectator event safety handbook.
in a standard spectator event safety handbook, you'd expect to see instructions for certain situations or rules and regulations to abide by to ensure your safety and everyone else’s safety. For example, something you will more then likely see is actions on a fire, where to go, who to report to locations for fire extinguishers. Where to go to find medical attention, where medics will be stationed or to get one, this sort of essential stuff.

2.5- outline why registration, briefing and pre-event routines are important.
registrations, briefings and pre event routines are essential because they give everyone to the information they need to do their job properly, registration is basic because they need to know you're present in-case something happens and they need account for numbers.
Briefings are important because they give everyone the basic information they need on their job role and any other information that may have come to the surface recently that could effect what they're doing. Pre event routines are there to make sure everyone knows what to do if a specific thing happens, all ready for the main event.

2.6- list the typical pre-event routines that stewards could be involved in.
  • first aid,  
  • radio,
  • map,
  • setting up car park.

1 comment:

  1. What is a steward?

    A steward is a trained team member who plays an essential role in ensuring that an event runs smoothly and safely. Stewards have a wide range of responsibilities, from offering a reassuring presence to managing who enters the event and dealing with any anti-social behavior. They may also be responsible for carrying out searches, though they must hold an appropriate qualification such as the Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety to do so legally.

    What are the duties of a steward?

    The duties of a Event steward vary depending on the type of event and the specific needs of the organisers. However, common duties include:
    Maintaining order and safety
    Helping people to enjoy the event safely
    Directing traffic and controlling crowds
    Providing information to event-goers
    Carrying out searches (if qualified to do so)
    Evacuating the venue in case of an emergency Stewards play a vital role in ensuring the safety and enjoyment of everyone at an event. If you are planning on attending an event, be sure to familiarise yourself with the Steward Code of Conduct so that you can help make the event a safe and enjoyable experience for all
